Applying for a bad car loan can be an unnerving experience, your finances are a very personal thing. We are sensitive to your needs as well as your credit history. At Davis Brooks we understand that bad things happen to good people. We treat all of our customers with the utmost sensitivity & respect. If you have had slow payments, been through a bankruptcy and discharged, have had a collections, judgements or a repossession; we are here to help you. We have several cars, trucks, vans and SUVs that could suite your needs and your budget.
Give our credit specialist a call today at (403) 362-3416 to process your application with minimum hassle and get you approved in a timely manner. Consumers in Brooks trust Davis Brooks LEASE HERE PAY HERE program due to our flexibility. At Davis Brooks we work with our customers to meet their financial needs to get them into the vehicle that also meets their needs. We require minimum down payment of $1000 depending on the vehicle that is being purchased.